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RayoMu Online Season 6 Episode 3

    Reguli postare plangeri. | Complaints Guide


    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2020-04-17

    Reguli postare plangeri. |  Complaints Guide Empty Reguli postare plangeri. | Complaints Guide

    Post by Rayo Sat May 16, 2020 3:37 pm

    Trebuie sa cunosti regulamentul inainte de a posta. Daca nu cunosti regulamentul , citeste-l cu atentie , sau pune intrebari. Pozele tale sunt valabile timp de 48 de ore de la incident.

    Fiecare post pe care il deschizi pentru o plangere, trebuie sa arate asa:

    Topic Title Nick_Car (Agresor) ,
    Topic Description Regula incalcata (Limbaj , ks etc)
    Topic Tag Nick_Caracter & Regula incalcata
    Interiorul topicului trebuie sa includa:

    Nick_caracter , descrierea cat mai scurta a incidentului si la subiect, regula incalcata de agresor urmat de poze , incarcate corect si care merg use BBCode to lern how to post a image.

    Retragerea unei plangeri, se face inainte ca un moderator sa dea verdictul, cu exceptia cazurilor in care cel acuzat, cere nefondata pentru cel care s-a plans de actiunile sale si s-au dovedit a fi nefondate.
    La banati ne vedem doar cu incercarile playerilor suspendati de a-si dovedi nevinovatia.

    P.S Nu se accepta avocati si nu postezi pentru un prieten, postezi doar in situatia in care esti propietarul contului (paratului).

    Note: Citeste cu atentie regulile, deoarece daca nu respecti regulamentul iar plangea ta este respinsa, risti 1 zi supend pentru cerere nefondata (Pierderea timpului moderatorilor)
    Note2: orice membru doreste sa comenteze cererea, are dreptul sa isi spuna parerea in mod civilizat fara sa ameninte, sa ia staff-ul la misto sau sa faca pe moderatorul, si fara sa ia partea nimanui (sunt curios cum o sa faceti asta) , in caz contrar riscati warn 10% la 100% pierdeti 10% din posturi si 5 zile supend pe forum.
    Iti multumim pentru atentie!

    You must know the rules before posting. If you do not know the rules, read it carefully, or ask questions. Your photos are valid for 48 hours after the incident.

    Each post you open to a complain should look like this:

    • Topic Title Nick_Car (Aggressor)
    • Topic Description violated rules (language, ks etc.)
    • Topic Tags Nick_Caracter & rule violated
    • Inside the topic should include:
    Nick_caracter, description as short it s possible of the incident and to subject the perpetrator violated rules followed by pictures, loaded correctly and use BBCode going to learn how to post the image.

    IF a complain is withdrawal before a moderator give the verdict, unless the accused demands unfounded who complained about his actions and proved to be unfounded.
    At banned section , we see only with suspended players who attempts to prove theirs innocence.

    PS: We do not accept lawyers and not submit to a friend, post just in case you are the account owner (defendant).

    Note: Read the rules carefully, because if you do not follow the rules and complained is rejected,you risk one day supend for unfounded request (time that moderators loss )
    Note two: any member wishes to comment on the request, is entitled to express their opinion in a civilized manner without threatening, or take the staff on joking, and not take sides (I'm curious how you will do this), otherwise you risk warn losing 10% to 100% 10% 5 days supend posts and forum.

    Thank you for your attention!

      Current date/time is Fri Apr 26, 2024 5:36 pm