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RayoMu Online Season 6 Episode 3

    Regulament Rayo Mu | Rayo Mu Rules


    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2020-04-17

    Regulament Rayo Mu | Rayo Mu Rules Empty Regulament Rayo Mu | Rayo Mu Rules

    Post by Rayo Sat May 16, 2020 3:40 pm


    1. Limbaj

    Insultele aduse jucatorilor se penalizeaza astfel:

    - Prima abatere: 1 zi suspend-char [privat] / 2 zile suspend-char [/post]
    - A doua abatere: 3 zile suspend-char[privat] / 6 zile suspend-char [/post]
    - A treia abatere: 5 de zile suspend-char[privat] / 10 zile suspend-char [/post]
    - A patra abatere : 15 de zile suspend-char[privat] / 30 zile suspend-char [/post]

    (Limba permisa doar Romana si Engleza)
    Adresarea de "noob,nab,mars,jet etc" unei persoane,nu va fi considerata de prima data insulta/injuriu ori jignitor catre persoana in cauza,ci doar daca respectivul intrece masura.
    Adminii/Moderatorii/Administratorul vor decide in ce masura,adresarile numeroase de "noob"(incepator cu tenta de prost) vor intrece masura,fiind sanctionate conform suspendurilor pt insulte sau injurii.
    Injuriile adresate pe canalul de Guilda sau Alianta nu este de responsabilitatea Adminilor, si va ramane la o rezolvare interna de catre conducerea guildului (nu se posteaza) de asemenea discutiile private si injuriile adresate unei persoane in canalul privat se sanctioneaza doar daca acestea sunt abuzive si neprovocate
    Injuriile la adresa serverului sau adminilor (neadresate unui admin anume) se penalizeaza astfel:

    - Prima abatere: 15 zile suspend-char;
    - A doua abatere: 30 zile suspend-char;
    - A treia abatere: CONTUL sters filtru pe toate ip logate.

    Trebuie sa se vada toata discutia in screenshot-uri, f4 pe tot ecranul pentru ca limbajul sa nu fie provocat, exceptie facand cazul in care sunt aduse injurii la adresa serverului sau a adminilor, in acest caz, limbajul NU poate fi provocat. Pentru astfel de plangeri NU este obligatorie postarea pozelor cu F4 pe tot ecranul.

    In cazul semnelor obscene si a prescurtarilor de genul sms, mm, fmm etc se va lua in considerare contextul in care sunt acestea adresate si daca va sunt adresate personal. Daca contextul nu este jignitor sau au fost adresate altei persoane, desi erati de fata, nu se va acorda suspend.

    Acuzatii nedovedite la adresa jucatorilor, ca ar fi Admini/GM(orice Admin/GM, isi poate pastra identitatea necunoscuta (caracterele de joc):

    - Prima abatere : 3 zile suspend-char;
    - A doua abatere : 5 de zile suspend-char;
    - A treia abatere : 15 de zile suspend-char.

    2. Comportamentul fata de Admini/GM:

    Insulta/Injurii/PK adresate unui Admin/GM sau in prezenta lui:

    - Prima abatere: 15 zile suspend-char;
    - A doua abatere: 30 zile suspend-char;
    - A treia abatere: cont sters.

    Comportamentul necorespunzator fata de Admini/GM (aici sunt incluse mistourile si glumele deplasate, refuzul de a da ok la trade initiat de un Admin/GM, deranjarea eventurilor, limbajul deplasat in prezenta lui etc ) se va pedepsi cu 1 pana la 5 zile, in functie de decizia respectivului Admin.
    Folosirea de nick-uri asemanatoare celor ale Adminilor(nick names & guild names) duce la suspendarea respectivului caracter pe o perioada nedeterminata.
    Sanctiunea pentru persoanele care se dau drept "cunostinte", rude ale celor care fac parte din guild Admins, este de 10 de zile suspend.

    Amenintarea altor jucatori sau a pretinde ca sunteti Admin/GM::

    - Prima abatere: 10 de zile suspend-char;
    - A doua abatere: cont blocat permanent.

    Acuzatiile nedovedite la adresa Admin/GM:

    - Prima abatere: 10 de zile suspend-char;
    - A doua abatere: cont blocat permanent.

    3. KS la unul sau mai multi jucatori de pe un spot/tark:

    - Prima abatere: 2 zile suspend-char;
    - A doua abatere: 4 zile suspend-char;
    - A treia abatere: 8 de zile suspend-char;
    - A patra abatere: 16 de zile suspend-char.

    Se poate sanctiona un astfel de comportament atata timp cat plangerea este sustinuta cu un print singur/party pe spot, 2 printuri la interval de aproximativ doua minute in care sa se vada cel care face KS, atentionarea acestuia si un print cu toata discutia F4 pe tot ecranul.Acestea acumuland un total de MAXIM 4 POZE
    Nu exista obligatia de a ataca monstrii pe propriul spot. Fiecare face ce vrea cu spotul lui atata timp cat a raspuns la intrebarea daca este afk.

    4. PK (Player Kill):

    - Prima abatere: 1 zile suspend-char;
    - A doua abatere: 3 zile suspend-char;
    - A treia abatere: 6 de zile suspend-char;
    - A patra abatere : 12 de zile suspend-char.
    Se aplica numai la pk-uri pe SPOT sau GOLDEN.
    Pk-ul este permis pe caracterele in stadiul de MURDERER sau PSYCHO KILLER chiar daca acestea se afla pe spot (valabil doar pentru spoturile din arena).
    PK-ul va fi considerat provocat doar in situatia in care cel care ucide a fost insultat foarte grav.

    5. Stationare:

    Nu aveti voie sa stationati langa un spot ocupat! Nu se accepta nici o scuza in cazul in care sunteti reclamati!
    Pedeapsa pentru stationare este de 1 zi suspend-char.
    Stationarea se pedepseste daca depaseste 5 minute.
    Trebuie sa existe minim 3 cereri explicite (si prin urmare minim 3 printuri) din partea unui membru al party-ului de a parasi spotul(Exemplu: Nume_Car, "nu stationa").
    Se va posta si toata discutia cu F4 pe tot ecranul. In aceste 3 Printuri.

    6.Preluare spot:

    Pentru a prelua un spot trebuie sa intrebati explicit "afk+nume destinatar" fiecare caracter aflat pe spot / in tarc, intr-un interval de 5 minute. Acestea sunt obligate sa raspunda in acest interval de timp. Preluarea necesita 4 poze, in minute diferite, printul 1 fiind in minutul 0 si al treilea print in minutul 4, urmat de printul cu F4 ridicat in minutul 5 pentru a incheia preluarea. Este nevoie de minim 1 poza la coordonate diferite. Daca in interval de 5 minute nu se dovedeste ca minim 1 caracter de pe spot este on, acestia au pierdut spotul. Pe perioada preluari spotului , cel care doreste sa preia spotul are dreptul sa faca KS daca nu i s-a raspuns la afk si a trecut un minut de la prima intrebare prin urmatoarea metoda.
    Detinatorul spotului este obligat sa raspunda prin "Nick_Car "nu sunt afk" pentru a elimina posibilitatea macro-botilor imediat ce a fost intrebat.
    Exemplu:1 X_carater este afk si Y_caracter preia spotul
    minutul 00:00: X_carater,afk? +print. Y_Caracter Nu are voie sa faca KS
    minutul 00:01: X_carater? +print. Y_caracter are dreptu sa faca KS
    minutul 00:04: X_carater? +print.Daca X_caracter nu e on Ks este permis (atentie daca X_Character este on si a facut poza te poate posta pt ks dupa 1 min )
    minutul 00:05: F4 +print. .Preluare reusita Y_caracter preia spotul . are dreptul sa il mute prin orce mijloc de pe spot

    [Y]minutul 00:00: X,afk? +print. Are dreptu sa faca KS
    [Y]minutul 00:- -: X,afk? +print. Are dreptu sa faca KS
    [Y]minutul 00:04: Y, No KS!+print.Preluare esuata Y este obligat sa se opreasca din KS si sa paraseasca spotul
    Preluarea este incorect facuta daca:
    in timpul ei, cel care preia face ks si nu este in Arena;
    in timpul ei cel care preia paraseste spotul sau ia disconnect;
    intrebarile tuturor caracterelor afk sunt pe o singura linie;
    toate printurile sunt pe aceleasi coordonate;
    nu se pune cursorul pe fiecare caracter intrebat de afk in momentul printului.
    Un spot nu se considera liber in cazul in care in apropierea spotului cineva ataca in gol. In acest caz se va face preluare de spot.

    7. Nefondata:

    Orice plangere care nu respecta regulamentul de postare sau care, chiar respectandu-le, se va dovedi ca fiind nefondata, va lua suspend 1 zi
    De asemenea, playerii care depun o plangere care se dovedeste a fi nefondata si care ulterior editeaza plangerea stergand printurile pentru a incerca sa scape de pedeapsa, vor primi suspend 1 zi.

    8. Vanatoare si nesimtire:

    Oricine va vana un anume player sau , pentru a-i inscena anumite incalcari ale regulamentului va lua suspend 2 de zile suspend.

    9. Falsificare de dovezi:

    - Prima abatere : 1 de zile suspend-cont;
    - A doua abatere : 3 de zile suspend-cont; + Suspend pt cheating Regula [12]
    - A treia abatere : 5 de zile suspend-cont; + Suspend pt cheating Regula [12]

    10-. Scammeri (folosirea de informatii false pentru obtinerea sau furtului unui cont):

    - Prima abatere: 20 zile suspend-char;
    - A doua abatere: 40 de zile suspend-cont;
    - A treia abatere: filtru IP.
    Suspendul se acorda pe cel mai mare character(reset) de pe cont.

    11. Cheating:

    NU se accepta exploatarea bug-urilor jocului !
    Jucatorii prinsi folosind aplicatii de tip hack, aplicatii de replicat pachete (1-hit kill, 5x hit,speed,etc),cu sau fara programe ajutatoare (hackuri) exploatarea unui bug este ILEGALA!
    Se va acorda -  filtru IP.

    12.  Reclama la alte servere:

    Publicitate/reclama la alte servere (de MU si nu numai) in joc (pe orice cale) duce instant la cont blocat,Filtru IP/clasei IP/mac
    Orice jucator care surprinde pe cineva facand reclama pe orice cale, normal, chat sau pm personal, este rugat sa faca un screenshot cu F4 pe tot ecranul si sa-l posteze pe forum sectiunea "Plangeri". 



    1. .Language

    Insults to the players will be punished like this:

    - First offense: 3 days suspend-char;
    - Second offense: 5 days suspend-char;
    - Third offense: 10 days suspend-char;
    - Fourth offense: 20 days suspended-char.

    Strong language(Swearing) will be punished as follows:

    - First offense: 3 days suspend-char
    - Second offense: 5 days suspend-char
    - Third offense: 10 days suspend-char
    - Fourth offense: 20 days suspended-char

    (There are allowed just Romanian and English language)
    Addressee as "noob, nab, go away as a insult, , etc." to a person will not be considered from the first time as a insult or insulting to the person concerned, but only if that person push the limit.
    Admins / moderators / administrator will decide how many addresses of "noob" was made over limit(newbie with slightly stupid) , being punished by suspend for insults and injuries.
    Insults to the guild or alliance channel is not the responsibility of Admin, and will be remain that the internal management of the guild to resolve(not post on forum) also private discussions and insults addressed to a person in private channel is sanctioned only if they are abusive and unprovoked

    Injuries to the server or administrator (that is addressed to admin) will be punished as follows:

    - First offense: 30 days suspend character
    - Second offense: character permanently blocked;
    - Third offense: Account deleted.

    All discussion must be seen in the screenshots, f4 full screen because language must not be challenged, except if they are briing insults to the server or the administrator, in this case, language can not be challenged. For such complaints is NOT required posting pictures full screen, with F4.

    In case of obscene signs and acronyms such as SMS, fku, etc. will take into consider the context in which way they were addressed and .If they were personally. If context is not offensive or were addressed to another person, although you were there and saw , suspended will not be given

    Unsubstantiated accusations against players, that could be Admin / GM (any Admin / GM can keep its identity unknown (game characters):

    - First offense: 10 days suspend-char;
    - Second offense: 20 days suspend-char;
    - Third offense: 30 days suspend-char.

    2. Behavior addressed to admins / GM:

    Insult / injury / PK made to Admin / GM or in the presence of him:

    - First offense: 30 days suspended char;
    - Second offense: character permanently blocked;
    - Third offense: Account deleted.

    Behavior inappropriate with the Admin / GM (this includes bad jokes, refusing to give the ok to trade initiated by an admin / GM event disturbance, displaced language in the presence of him, etc.) shall be punished with 5 to 20 days, depending on the decision of Admin.
    Using nicknames like those of Admin (nicknames & guild names) result in suspension of that character for a indefinitely.period
    The penalty for persons who pose as "knowledge", relatives of those who are part of the guild Admins, is 30 days suspended.

    Threatening other players or pretend to be Admin / GM :

    - First offense: 20 days suspended char;
    - Second offense: account permanently banned.

    Unproved accusations against Admin / GM:

    - First offense: 60 days suspend-char;
    - Second offense: account permanently banned.

    3. KS at one or more players on the spot / Court:

    - First offense: 5 days suspend-char;
    - Second offense: 10 days suspend-char;
    - Third offense: 25 days suspend-char;
    - Fourth offense: 30 days suspend-char.

    It can prosecute such behavior as long as the complaint is sustained with a print single / party on the spot, two prints approximately every two minutes in which to see who KS, warning it and a print with all the talk F4 all screen. These accumulating a total MAXIMUM of 4 PHOTOS
    There is no obligation to attack monsters on your spot. Every one does what he wants with his spot as long he answer to the question if he is afk

    However KS is allowed in Arena after the first 60 seconds of takeover, and ends when the takeover fails and owners of the spot warns you.

    4. PK (Player Kill):

    - First offense: 5 days suspend-char;
    - Second offense: 10 days suspend-char;
    - Third offense: 25 days suspend-char;
    - Fourth offense: 30 days suspend-char.

    Applies only to pk's on SPOT. or GOLDEN
    Pk is allowed on the stage characters of KILLER or PSYCHO KILLER even if they are on the spot (only available for spots in the arena).
    PK will be considered provoked only if the Killer was seriously insulted.
    In case of a complaint is required a print with spot (just you on the spot or within party), without the defendant appear in print then a proving print with the PK.

    5. Stationary:

    You may not stationed near the spot! We don't accept any excuse if a complaint is made !
    The penalty for stationary is one day suspend-char.
    Stationary will be punished if it exceeds five minutes.
    There must be at least 3 explicit requests (and therefore at least 3 prints) from a member's party to leave the spot (Example: Name_Car, " Don't Stayon ").
    Also you will post and all discussion with F4 full screen. In these 3 prints.

    6.Taking a spot:

    To take over a spot you need to ask explicitly : "afk + nickname" to every character who is on the respective spot/court
    They have to answer at the respective time. Takeover need to be done with 4 prints in different minutes , First print is in minute 0 and the third print in minute 4, followed by last print with F4 raised in minute 5 to complete the takeover.
    It takes at least 1 picture in different coordinates. If in 5 minutes they don't prove that at least one character is on the spot, they lost their spot. During takeover the spot. The player who wants to take the spot has the right to KS if no one answered to afk question and one minute has passed from the first question by the following method.:
    The Spot holder is forced to respond by "Nick_Car" i'm not afk "to eliminate the possibility of macro-bots as soon as asked.
    Exemple 1: X_character is afk and Y_character takeover the spot
    minute 00:00 X_character,afk?+print. Y_Character. Not allowed to make KS
    minute 00:01: X_character?+print. Y_character It's allowed to make KS
    Minute 00:04: X_character?+print. If X_character is afk Ks is allowed ( attention if X_character is on and he made a print he can post you for KS after a minute)
    Minute 00:05: F4 +print , Takeover the spot successfully Y_character take the spot, he ahs the right to move over by any means

    Exemple 2

    [Y] minute 0:00: X, afk? + print. Has rights to make KS
    [Y] minute 00: -: X, afk? + print. Has rights to make KS
    [Y] minute 0:04: Y,No KS!! + print! Takeover the spot failed, Y is forced to stop from KS and leave the spot

    Takeover is incorrectly made if:
    -During the takeover, the acquirer make KS and he is not in ARENA
    -During the takeover , he takes Discconect or leave the spot
    -Question AFk? is made on one line
    -All prints are on the same coordinates;
    -Not place the cursor on each character asked. if afk in the moment when print was made
    A spot will not be considered free if someone attacks near the empty spot. In this case you will need to takeover the spot.


    Any complaint that do not comply with the post, or even by respecting them will prove to be unfounded, will take suspend one day
    Also, players that submitting a complaint that proves to be unfounded and subsequently he edit the complaint deleting the prints trying to escape from punishment they will take 2 days suspend.

    8. Hunting and callousness:

    Anyone who will hunt a certain player for frame certain violations of the Rules and give prove of callousness by his actions, will take 2 days suspended.

    9. Falsificate the evidence:

    - First offense: 1 day suspend-account
    - Second offense: IP-Filter.

    10. Scammers (using false information to obtain or theft an account):

    - First offense: 20 days suspend-char;
    - Second offense:40 days suspend-char ;
    - Third offense: IP filter.
    Suspend will be given to the highest character (reset) on the account.


    We do not accept the exploitation of bugs in the game!
    Players caught using applications such as hack, Applications to replicate packets (1-hit kill, 5x hits, speed, etc.), with or without the help (hacks) exploiting a bug is ILLEGAL!
    They are also prohibited autoclick like: auto combo, Autobot, car say.
    Will be granted with IP filter.

    12.Advertising other servers:

    Advertising / Advertising other servers (MU only) in the game (any way) leads to instant account blocked IP Filter / class IP / mac
    Any player who captures someone to be advertising in any way, normal chat or personal pm, is asked to make a screenshot with F4 full screen and post it on the forum section "Complaints".

      Current date/time is Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:54 am